Can’t Keep Your Resolution? Great News…Help Is Here!

We’ve all done it; made a fervent New Year resolution, and been determined to stick to it not matter wh…oh no, I can’t make spinning class tonight, sorry. I have to go and water the cat/buy milk/stare at the ironing pile.

"I can’t even remember how many resolutions I made!"
“I can’t even remember how many resolutions I made!”

See what I mean?

Life is so busy for most of us, it’s easy to let old, comfortable habits rule. But you wanted to change those habits for a reason! According to a recent survey by the University of Scranton (Journal of Clinical Psychology), while 45% of Americans make resolutions; only 8% are successful in carrying them out. Now that statistic can seem like a gloomy prediction, a gauntlet thrown down, or quite simply make you feel less alone if you don’t manage to stick to your own list!

Only 8% are successful in carrying out their New Year’s resolutions.

Share, Focus and Drink Alkaline Water!

So, to help us all stick to those best laid plans, we’ve put together a few tips to help you keep your resolve!

1. Write it down! Seeing your resolution written down can really spur some people on. Sometimes the actual act of writing down your goal is enough to help you refocus.

2. Start on Monday. Starting on New Year’s Day is a great idea, but any Monday (at the starting blocks of a fresh, new, clean page week) can be very effective.

3. Share your goal. Talk to other people about your resolution and what it means to you. You might find unexpected kindred spirits or maybe just having someone cheering you on might reignite your resolve.

4. Stay healthy! Obvious in general terms, but feeling as well and strong as possible means that you’re firing on all cylinders and more likely to hit your targets. Eat well, eat fresh, drink plenty of alkaline water and get enough rest. Like I say, sounds obvious, but cut out any of those things from your daily routine and you won’t be operating at your best.

Young Woman with glass of Water. Healthy Lifestyle

5. Give yourself time. It takes a while to make real changes. Believe in yourself and don’t worry if your resolution sometimes seems out of your reach; all you need to do is try standing on your tiptoes next time.

We really hope you enjoy getting to grips with your New Year resolutions. If one of them is to get healthier then you definitely should check out our range of products to help make 2016 your healthiest yet!

Did you make a simple change that worked for you? Please let us know…we can all use an encouraging tip that could help us join the 8% club this year!

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